Ozone House
Currently, over 1,300 unhoused and unstably housed youth make their home in Washtenaw County, many of them existing almost invisibly among us as they work hard to blend in and appear "normal." Ozone House was founded exclusively to serve this population, offering free, confidential, and voluntary shelter and support services to homeless youth, including runaways and high-risk youth ages 10-20, and their families.
Spun will be collecting goods for Ozone House this winter season, hoping to bring some warmth and comfort to challenged and unhoused youth here in Washtenaw County, including the LGBTQ+ youth served by Pride Zone. (Nationwide, LGBTQ+ youth make up a disproportionate percentage of the homeless population.)
Please read on for details, and remember that you can learn more about Ozone House's work, and donate directly, here. If you have questions, please drop Carol a line at carol@spunannarbor.com.
How can you work with Spun to get involved?
- Make a hat, a pair of mittens, or a scarf to be donated to Ozone House for distribution. As usual, Spun will have some yarn to give away to knitters and crocheters, but please bear in mind that our supply of free yarn is limited, and consider using your stash if that option is available to you (see below for guidelines). We're asking crafters who take home Spun yarn to limit themselves to one project at a time.
- If you are able to work from your stash, you may use yarn of any weight.
- Join us at any of our scheduled drop-in times to work on your piece, if you'd like to work in company. See below for some straightforward pattern suggestions if you'd like a little guidance.
- Turn in your finished piece to Spun by December 1, and we'll pass it along. (We will accept goods on an ongoing basis, but we'd love to organize a good contribution around the holidays.)
You can find some basic pattern suggestions here.