Stripes! Blips! Malabrigo! There’s a lot to get excited about in Ambah O’Brien’s pretty Tarni Shawl. The shallow triangle shape is easy to wear, and Malabrigo Mechita (100% superwash Merino) is a single-ply, kettle-dyed beauty with plenty of drape and silky softness.
Each kit contains 3 skeins of Malabrigo Mechita (1 skein of each color) in the color combination of your choice and the pattern for Tarni Shawl which will make one shawl with an approximate 94” wingspan and center depth of 25”. We will purchase a copy of Tarni Shawl for you via Ravelry, so you will automatically receive both a printed copy and an emailed PDF. If you would also like to have this pattern in your Ravelry library, please note your Ravelry ID (not your password!) in the "Notes" field in your cart!
Please note that this kit does not include needles. You will need a US5 40” or longer circular needle (or size needed to achieve gauge). If you don't already have the appropriate needle at home, you can shop Spun's selection of circular needles here.
If you'd like to make your kit a gift (for yourself or someone else), or if you just wish to keep your new project tidy and organized, add the Spun Rope Handle Bag with Pin to your order and we will package your purchase accordingly!