Why Knot Fibers Trunk Show at Spun

Why Knot Fibers Trunk Show


What better way to celebrate the New Year than to welcome Michigan's own Why Knot Fibers back to Spun?

The lovely Kat Eldred’s company is reason enough to venture forth on a cold winter weekend: Kat has a way of brightening any space with her warmth and positivity. If you’ve met her before, you know what we mean! If you haven’t, you’ll want to come introduce yourself!

Lucky us, though: she's also bringing along a knockout selection of Why Knot’s hand-dyes, on bases we don’t normally keep in stock, including some very special Michigan-sourced farm-to-needle beauties.

Bonus: Door prizes! How to enter to win one of three $25 Spun gift certificates:*

  • RSVP for the Why Knot trunk show (by sending an email to info@spunannarbor.com)
  • Buy any of Kat’s goodies over the two-day event

Please make plans to join us and celebrate the calendar's turn to a new year--to celebrate our warmth and community and our good fortune in being together; to celebrate Michigan and the many people who make it special!

*Don't be shy! Double up!

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